Lux Juris welcomes experts and anyone interested in Fashion & Luxury Law to share their knowledge with us. If you’re passionate about the field, we invite you to contribute.
What We Look For:
Articles: Thought-provoking pieces on current trends, legal analyses, case studies, or industry insights.
Opinions: Perspectives on emerging issues, controversies, or debates within the fashion and luxury sectors.
Interviews: Q&A sessions with industry leaders, legal experts, or notable figures.
Legal Updates: Updates on regulatory changes, court decisions, or legislative developments affecting the industry.
How to Contribute:
Submission Guidelines*: Review our submission guidelines to ensure your content meets our standards.
Content Format: Submit your content in a Word document or Google Doc. Include relevant images, graphs, or citations where applicable.
Author Bio & Photo: Include a brief bio (50-100 words) and a high-resolution photo of yourself.
Review Process: Our editorial team will review your submission for clarity, relevance, and adherence to our guidelines.
Ready to contribute?
Get in touch with us at with your proposed topic or submission. We look forward to hearing from you!
Submission Guidelines*:
We aim to make the submission process simple and straightforward. To help ensure your contribution is accepted, please follow these basic guidelines:
- Relevant Topics: Focus on Fashion & Luxury Law topics.
- Clear and Concise: Keep your writing clear, easy to read, and jargon-free.
- Original Content: Submit original work that hasn’t been published elsewhere.
- Word Count: Aim for 800-1500 words, but we’re flexible depending on the content.
- References: If you mention statistics, cases, website links, or quotes, please include proper references.
- Formatting: Submit your content in Word or Google Doc format.
We will review your submission and provide feedback or approval as quickly as possible.